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(From Parler & BPR)

One of Major League Baseball’s most storied franchises is getting blasted over its plan to honor a controversial LGBTQ+ activist group of “queer and trans nuns” at an upcoming game, drawing the ire of Catholics who have condemned the “blasphemous” depictions of their faith.

The Los Angeles Dodgers are being accused of anti-Catholic bigotry for the planned hosting of a gay and transgender group that uses religious imagery to promote a sexually degenerate lifestyle, presenting a “Community Hero Award” to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence before the June 16th Pride Night home game at Chavez Ravine, appropriately, a matchup against the rival San Francisco Giants.

LA Pride and the team recently announced the occasion and that the “leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns” would be singled out for extra special treatment on a special night during a special month that is annually set aside for the worship of a very special demographic, a gesture that angered Catholic organizations and spurred a letter from Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) to MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred pointing out the group’s mocking and degradation of Christians, especially Catholics.

“Recently, you stated that Major League Baseball needs to ‘make decisions that are as inclusive and welcoming to everyone as possible, and keep us as apolitical as possible.’ I write to ask whether your League wants to be ‘inclusive and welcoming’ to Christians, and if so, why you are allowing an MLB team to honor a group that mocks Christians through diabolical parodies of our faith,” Rubio wrote in his letter which was dated May 15, 2023.

“The ‘sisters’ are men who dress in lewd imitation of Roman Catholic nuns. The group’s motto, ‘go and sin some more,’ is a perversion of Jesus’s command to ‘go, and sin no more.’ The group’s ‘Easter’ ceremony features children’s programming followed by a drag show where adult performers dress in blasphemous imitation of Jesus and Mary. The group hosts pub crawls mocking the Stations of the Cross and even the Eucharist, the sacrament that unites more than one billion Catholics around the world,” the Florida Republican wrote.

“Do you believe that the Los Angeles Dodgers are being ‘inclusive and welcoming to everyone’ by giving an award to a group of gay and transgender drag performers that intentionally mocks and degrades Christians—and not only Christians, but nuns, who devote their lives to serving others? Do you believe such an award is ‘apolitical’?” Rubio asked of the commish. “Do you believe it is a sound business decision, in a city with more than four million Catholics and countless other people of faith? Finally, setting aside financial considerations, do you believe it is morally right for the most important league of our national pastime to honor a group that mocks religion, and one religion in particular?”

Also writing a letter, this one to the Dodgers, was the president of Catholic political activist group CatholicVote who urged the team to cancel the award and accused the organization of normalizing bigotry against Catholics.

“This award comes at a time when Catholics are under threat across the country to a degree not seen in decades,” Burch wrote, according to the Washington Examiner. “In the past three years, there have been over 300 acts of violence and vandalism against Catholic churches in the United States, including nearly 50 in California alone. Through this award, the Dodgers are contributing to the climate of increasing hostility against Catholics.”

Catholic League president Bill Donohue also blasted the Dodgers, saying that the team has “besmirched their legacy of combating bigotry by partnering with LA Pride in awarding this year’s Community Hero Award to an obscene anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.”

“In 1947, the Brooklyn Dodgers made history by naming Jackie Robinson to its roster. He was the first black man to play Major League Baseball (MLB). Now it is in the business of promoting bigotry, not fighting it. By rewarding anti-Catholicism, the Dodgers have broken bread with the most despicable elements in American society today,” Donohue said.

(Complete Article HERE)

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